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“When will it work?”

AvéliTM delivers a long-term reduction in the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thighs for a wide variety of women covering the full spectrum of cellulite complexity.1,2

Smoother skin in the procedure area is visible shortly after a single in-office procedure once swelling and bruising subsides.2

Aveli_039008_Before_copy Aveli_039008_After1Year
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Aveli_0036010_Before_side Aveli_0036010_After1Year_side
Aveli_0036010_Before Aveli_0036010_After1Year
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Photos not retouched. Birthmarks, tattoos and other patient identifying marks are covered to maintain patient privacy. After photos taken 1 year post-procedure. Individual results will vary. Factors such as laxity or pockets of fat are not altered with this procedure. The area immediately below the gluteal crease is also not treated with Avéli™.

Honest Results Only

Photos not retouched. Birthmarks, tattoos and other patient identifying marks are covered to maintain patient privacy. After photos taken 1 year post-procedure. Individual results will vary. Factors such as laxity or pockets of fat are not altered with this procedure. The area beneath the gluteal crease (banana roll) is also not treated with Avéli™.

The AvéliTM

Cellulite isn’t silly. Treating it is a science. Born in Silicon Valley, AvéliTM is a no nonsense approach to treating cellulite dimples, is based on a deep understanding of women’s anatomy, and delivers lasting results.1

How it Works

While many treatments approach cellulite blindly from the outside-in, AvéliTM is the only minimally invasive procedure that uses a hand held device guided by an expertly trained provider—to manually target and release the septa bands causing cellulite from the inside-out.3

Slide 1
Your provider guides the
Avéli™ device under the skin
directly to the targeted dimples.3
Slide 2
After your provider identifies the culprit
septa bands causing a dimple, those
septa are precisely released.3
Slide 3
Your provider can confirm their
release in real-time, delivering visibly
smoother skin and a lasting result.1,3
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Your provider guides the
Avéli™ device under the skin
directly to the targeted dimples.3


After your provider identifies the culprit septa
bands causing a dimple, those septa are precisely


Your provider can confirm their release in real-time, delivering visibly smoother
skin and a lasting result.1,3

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next arrow

Avéli™ is indicated for long-term reduction in the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thigh areas of adult females as supported by clinical data demonstrating treatment benefits through one year of observation. The most common side effects reported were mild pain within the first 24 hours and bruising and tenderness to the touch which typically resolved within 30 days. Some patients returned to normal activities within one day of the procedure and most within a week. As with any medical procedure, there are risks associated with the procedure. Consult with your physician for full safety information.


  1. Stevens WG, Green JB, Layt C, et al. Multicenter Pivotal Study Demonstrates Safety and Efficacy of a New Cellulite Procedure: Final Results at 12 Months [published online ahead of print, 2022 Nov 10]. Aesthet Surg J. 2022;sjac291
  2. Stevens WG, Green JB, Layt C, et al. Multicenter Pivotal Study Demonstrates Safety and Efficacy of a New Cellulite Procedure: 3-Month Results [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jul 5]. Aesthet Surg J. 2022 Jul 5;sjac179. doi:10.1093/asj/sjac179.
  3. Stevens WG, Kaminer MS, Fabi SG, Fan L. Study of a New Controlled Focal Septa Release Cellulite Reduction Method. Aesthet Surg J. 2022;42(8):937-945.
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